Threat Assessment and Management
Schools/ Universities, Workplaces and Organizations of all types need clear plans in place to manage the increasing number of threats that occur across the United States each year. Managing a threat situation is like a challenging puzzle… you have to gather relevant pieces to help make the best-informed decisions. I have extensive experience and training in managing threats of violence, towards self and others, and can assist your organization in developing a comprehensive plan that addresses:
- How to identify and report potential threats
- The development of a threat assessment team
- The importance of using evidence-based assessment tools and interviewing skills.
- Managing threat situations/ mitigate risk
- Debrief Staff/ Respond to Staff Distress after a threat situation.
I currently serve as an Affiliated Consultant with DPrep Safety and previously served as an advisory board member and affiliate consultant with the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NaBITA). I also maintain active membership with the Association for Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP). I regularly present at conferences related to the topic of threat management and behavior intervention teams.
My threat management services include:
- Individual, small and large group trainings on how to conduct a Violence Risk Assessment, utilize motivational interviewing in difficult conversations and de-escalate crisis situations.
- Conducting threat assessments on persons of concern
- Serving as an outside consultant on threat assessment teams
- Consulting on or providing post-crisis services
For more information, please email me at or call 310-924-2432.